Writer-musicians bring the latest from Australia’s classical and new music scene

News: Ten Pieces Project

June 17, 2014

BY STEPHANIE ESLAKE   It’s widely accepted that early exposure to classical music is essential for inspiring creativity in young people. This is being recognised […]

Eisteddfods: The Best and the Blurst

June 15, 2014

BY LUCY RASH   eisteddfod (aɪˈstɛdfəd; Welsh aɪˈstɛðvɔd) n, pl -fods or -fodau (Welsh aɪˌstɛðˈvɒdaɪ) 1. any of a number of annual festivals in Wales, […]

Salieri: Saint or Sinner?

June 10, 2014

BY STEPHANIE ESLAKE   Antonio Salieri has had his fair share of bad press over the last couple of centuries. Painted as a second-rate composer […]

Maps for Losing Oneself: Nick Tsiavos

June 4, 2014

BY STEPHANIE ESLAKE   Greek-Australian bassist Nick Tsiavos is fascinated with the past. And by past, I don’t mean a few decades ago. I mean […]

Creative Academic: Composer Cat Hope

May 28, 2014

BY SAM GILLIES   Cat Hope is a composer, curator and performer, heavily involved with Australian new music. She is the founder of the Decibel […]

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