BY LUCY RASH This story was produced in partnership with the Peninsula Summer Music Festival as part of our inaugural CutCommon Young Critics’ Mentorship. Miles Johnston’s is an impressive journey. From the Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School to a […]
CutCommon and Peninsula Summer Music Festival jointly congratulate Lydia McClelland, the inaugural winner of the CutCommon Young Critics’ Mentorship! Lydia, a Melbourne-based undergraduate student of Arts/Music (French/Japanese/Classical […]
BY STEPHANIE ESLAKE Brand new music, written by living Australian composers, and performed on the recorder? It’s certainly not your typical gig, and that’s why […]
BY STEPHANIE ESLAKE When Lianah Jaensch found the perfect cello teacher, but he lived in a different capital city, the studious young musician wasn’t […]
BY LILY BRYANT In a world waking up to the necessity of gender equality, the classical music industry has repeatedly come under fire. Unsurprisingly […]
BY RACHEL BRUERVILLE, OPINIONS EDITOR For three years, a cathedral organ has been resting, waiting, in silence. Its musician David Heah has relied on […]
BY JESSIE WANG, LEAD WRITER (COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL AWARENESS) We often hear music outside of concert settings – in restaurants, through the streets, and […]
BY SYLVIE WOODS, LEAD WRITER (NSW) Described as “a remarkable composer” by the United Kingdom’s Gramophone Magazine, honoured with myriad awards for her music […]