Writer-musicians bring the latest from Australia’s classical and new music scene

WTF?! Why do we give viola such a bad wrap?

June 4, 2018

BY STEPHANIE ESLAKE   Welcome to our series, What the Fact?!   Throughout 2018, we’re teaming up with talent at the Australian National Academy of Music to bring […]

This is how classical guitars are made

May 29, 2018

BY MATT WITHERS – AUSTRALIAN GUITARIST   Imagine a guitar that can sing, producing the deepest bass to the highest treble, evenly and with good […]

Standing on a piano in New York City

May 28, 2018

BY SYLVIE WOODS   While I lay in bed scrolling through Instagram and eating crumbs out of my bellybutton yesterday*, Yvette Keong popped up in […]

Valuing young players in the orchestra

May 24, 2018

BY STEPHANIE ESLAKE   Ever wondered what goes on in the mind of a cellist during performance? It gets pretty complicated. Eliza Sdraulig says her […]

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