How do I get work writing music?
BY NATHAN LIOW During my music studies, my piano teacher and mentor Tony Gould once referred to the period immediately following graduation as “a […]
Fresh views on all things classical and new music
BY NATHAN LIOW During my music studies, my piano teacher and mentor Tony Gould once referred to the period immediately following graduation as “a […]
BY CELINE CHONG Celine Chong is the 2017 CutCommon Young Writer of the Year. Here, she writes a blog about what she’s learnt through […]
BY ERICA BRAMHAM Ten years ago, I suggested to one of my close musician friends that we should mentor each other. We began meeting […]
BY SAMUEL HODGE Artist Samuel Hodge has spent this week in rehearsals at Carriageworks, in the company of new Sydney Chamber Opera creative collaborators: director Adena […]
BY ELI SIMIC-PROSIC On November 12, Eli’s work Festivities of Fragment was premiered in Shanghai by Zhang Liang, pipa soloist Xu Jiaxin and the […]
BY CORY GLEDHILL In early 2016, I began creating a new music notation that would evolve over the following months into what is now […]
BY JESS CARRASCALAO HEARD Ding! ‘Competitor number 21 is performing…’ Countless times have I sat in the wings at eisteddfods and sent a fervent, […]
BY ERICA BRAMHAM Last year, I embarked on an ambitious project to compose, record, and share a new piece of music every day for […]
BY JODIE BLACKSHAW, COMPOSER In my first year of university, my composition teacher Larry Sitsky introduced me to the inimitable composer Harry Partch. Partch had his own set […]
BY SCOTT MCINTYRE, COMPOSER “Right now, it’s only a notion, but I think I can… make it into a concept, and then later, turn […]
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