Feeling Blue? Enjoy our fine selection of musical fromage. From Edam to Gouda, Feta to Asagio, we’ve put together the perfect platter just for you. Best enjoyed with a glass of red.
18. The Nutcracker Barrel
17. Flight of the Bumblebrie
16. Carmenbert
15. The Pines of Romano
14. Carmina Brieana
13. Also Swiss Zarathustra
12. Rhapsody in Blue vein
11. Dance of the Babybel Fairy
10. Night on Brie Mountain
9. Rondo Alla Gouda
8. Vivaldi’s Feta Seasons
7. In the Hall of the Mountain King Island Brie
6. Asagio for Stringy
5. Overture to the Marriage of Filetta
4. Die Meistersinger von Jarlsberg
3. Lohengrin: Briedal Chorus
2. Fanfare for the Common Manur
1. Edam, Joy of Man’s Desiring
Image: Clara Peeters Still Life with Cheese. Source: Wikimedia Commons.