Shop: Amanda Cole

Amanda Cole holds a Bachelor of Music with Honours and a PhD in composition from the Sydney Conservatorium. She studied electroacoustic composition at City University in London, 2006. Her microtonal composition Vibraphone Theories was performed at the 2009 International Society of Contemporary Music festival, Sweden, and was recorded as part of Portuguese percussionist Nuno Aroso’s CD Technicolor. Cole has also collaborated with visual artists and her sound installation Twitter Hymn Book was selected as a finalist for the 2010 Blake Art Prize.


Amanda MayEcliptica. Amanda Cole. Score for string quartet and freeze pedals. From the composer: “Ecliptica is an atmospheric piece made from the natural harmonics occurring on the open strings of each instrument. Freeze pedals are used to sustain harmonics, which create layers of drones. Although Ecliptica is metrically played to a strict polyrhythmic grid of layered tempos, the sounds produced are often fragile and unpredictable, giving the piece a free and ephemeral sound”[purchase_link id=”3281″ style=”button” color=”red” text=”Add to Cart”].

Amanda MayNode. Amanda Cole. Commissioned by flautist Janet Mckay in 2013 for her PhD flute recital at the Queensland Conservatorium. From the composer: “Node is flute solo that is a study in using enharmonic fingerings to play specific micotonal pitches that can be found as natural harmonics on the C and G strings of a cello. Each harmonic overtone has an evenly spaced node along a string. When a natural harmonic glissando is played, a sequence of natural harmonics are heard. The melodic material in the piece is made from fragments of adjacent linear clusters of natural harmonics that are found on the C and G cello strings. These separate pitch rows or ‘strings’ of frequencies are used as separate motifs that are developed and manipulated to create the two movements of the work”.[purchase_link id=”3285″ style=”button” color=”red” text=”Add to Cart”]

Amanda MayVibraphone Theories (score). Amanda Cole. Score for vibraphone and sine tones. From the composer: “Vibraphone Theories is a set of three rhythmic pieces for vibraphone and sine tones that are played from a stereo CD during a live performance. Microtonal intervals in the sine tone part create amplitude beats, which have been sequenced to create the rhythms notated in the score. When the vibraphone plays notes close in pitch to notes in the sine tone part, additional beating is created. During a live performance the sine tone and vibraphone parts blend together to sound like one instrument”.[purchase_link id=”3289″ style=”button” color=”red” text=”Add to Cart”]

Amanda MayVibraphone Theories (audio). Amanda Cole. Three click tracks of audio to accompany Vibraphone Theories score.[purchase_link id=”3292″ style=”button” color=”red” text=”Add to Cart”]
Amanda May

Vibraphone Theories  (score and audio bundle). Amanda Cole. Includes score and three click track audio bundle.[purchase_link id=”3300″ style=”button” color=”red” text=”Add to Cart”]