Shop: Maja Puseljic

Maja Puseljic has a Bachelor of Music with First Class Honours from the University of Queensland. She has studied under Anna Grinberg and Rob Davidson. Her chorale piece Place Far From Our Home was premiered at the UQ Art Gallery. Maja is a piano teacher who received her own Kodaly training at James Cuskelly’s Summer School Program.


Press_Shots_Maja5String Quartet No. 1 ‘Melancholia’. Maja Puseljic. Score for string quartet.[purchase_link id=”1977″ style=”button” color=”red” text=”Add to Cart”]

Press_Shots_Maja5Piano Quartet. Maja Puseljic. Score for piano, violin, viola, cello.[purchase_link id=”4119″ style=”button” color=”red” text=”Add to Cart”]


Place Far From Our Home. Maja Puseljic. Score for SATB. From the composer: “Place Far From Our Home is a choir piece I wrote for my grandmother who passed away in 2013. Having spent a week in her apartment digging up old photos of my grandparents from the ’50s, I created a story based on how I thought my grandparents felt about each other. After seeing how distressed she looked at his funeral, I concluded that it was an ‘unsaid’ or ‘unspoken’ love which didn’t really need an explanation. The only thing that gave me great comfort during this time of mourning was being able to express myself through music and the thought they would be together, in a place far from our home. [purchase_link id=”1983″ style=”button” color=”red” text=”Add to Cart”]