Shop: Vincent Giles

Vincent Giles (1985) creates works for concert halls, galleries, theatre, the outdoors, and lounge rooms that are strongly influenced by the natural world, science and mathematics, and limitations, and strive for unity between material and form. Current work includes a series developed as composer-in-residence at the Melbourne University School of Chemistry including commissions from Melbourne Fringe Festival, a trio for indeterminate instruments, a solo for baroque violin, and a structured improvisation. Giles is an Artistic Director of the Tilde New Music Festival, teaches composition at the Australian Institute of Music and is published by and on the review panel of Wirripang.


vincent gilesHeard/Unheard:Flux. Vincent Giles, 2013. Recording, 60 minute duration split into 10 minute segments. Originally a four-track installation at a festival while Giles was composer in residence.[purchase_link id=”2801″ style=”button” color=”red” text=”Add to Cart”]

frontcoverIMPULSE. Vincent Giles, 2013. Recording. An electro-acoustic work.[purchase_link id=”2806″ style=”button” color=”red” text=”Add to Cart”]


Noise &. Vincent Giles, 2014. Recording. A collection of six electronic pieces from 2014, including an installation (The Great Unhearing) originally for resonating tower. Mastered by Giles and featuring six tracks: Canon, Cloud Etude, Xenak, The Ancestor’s Ta[il/le] (text credit Daniel Dennett, 2013), Smash I, The Great Unhearing.[purchase_link id=”2792″ style=”button” color=”red” text=”Add to Cart”]