Yanpeng Zhang (1989) is a Sydney based composer who wrote his first piano sonata at 18. He graduated with a Bachelor of Music from the University of Tasmania Conservatorium of Music in 2011, having studied with Dr Maria Grenfell, Russell Gilmour, and Don Kay. Zhang has a passion for Romantic styles, which can be heard in his contemporary works and despite studying composers such as Ligeti and Crumb, he says “my love for conservative tonality will never fade away”.
Observing a Solemn Giant Sphere. Yanpeng Zhang. Recording.[purchase_link id=”2323″ style=”button” color=”red” text=”Add to Cart”]
An Ugly Scherzo. Yanpeng Zhang. Recording.[purchase_link id=”2319″ style=”button” color=”red” text=”Add to Cart”]
Kiss, Op. 7. A bagatelle on the theme of ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’. Yanpeng Zhang. Score for solo piano.[purchase_link id=”2315″ style=”button” color=”red” text=”Add to Cart”]
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